We’re here to connect and support any health and social care professional supporting palliative and end of life care. As well as providing clinical leadership and expertise, we develop guidance, innovative projects and programmes.

We support the Greater Manchester localities with work that helps to achieve the Greater Manchester Palliative and End of Life Care Commitments, and the national outcomes of improving access, quality and sustainability. We do this by offering opportunities to connect with colleagues to share knowledge, expertise and best practice and encourage innovation.

We’re passionate about improving palliative and end of life care services in our region. We involve patients, carers and families and listen to their views, to help make decisions, plan services and develop policies that lead to the best possible quality of care.

Greater Manchester Palliative and End of Life Care Commitments

There are 16 commitments that are a pledge from Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership including the voluntary sector and other non-statutory organisations to individuals approaching and within the last year of life. The first 12 commitments centre around the individual’s journey in the last year of life and take account of the holistic needs of those close to them during this time and beyond. The other 4 are supporting, system-wide commitments that will regionally underpin the delivery of local services

These are our guiding principles and demonstrate what someone with palliative and end of life care needs should expect across Greater Manchester. The commitments ensure that the care people receive is personalised, skilfully and sensitively delivered, and of a consistently high standard.

The full document can be downloaded here: NHS GM Commitments to Palliative Care August 2024

Strategic Clinical Networks

We are one of eight Strategic Clinical Networks, covering different areas of health and care, in the Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire region.

Organisational structure

We sit within a wider collection of groups and networks across the GMEC region and nationally. This diagram shows how we fit in:

Working groups

Within our Network we have specific working, advisory and steering groups:

NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Palliative and End of Life Care Strategic group

The NHS Greater Manchester integrated care palliative and end of life care strategic group work to gain a consensus approach in setting GM priorities for the programme of work against the Greater Manchester Palliative and end of life care commitments. The group provides leadership and engages with each of the place based areas in Greater Manchester to collaborate and share practice.

The NHS Greater Manchester integrated care palliative and end of life care strategic group help implement:

Membership: A Lead Clinician (Nursing and Medical) and Place based Commissioner per locality.

For more information, please contact england.gmec-eolc@nhs.net

Palliative and End of Life Care Commissioning Group

This advisory group provides leadership in palliative and end of life care and makes sure there’s engagement with the other Strategic Clinical Network teams in Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire.

The Palliative and End of Life Care commissioning group provides a space for place based palliative and end of life care commissioning leads to discuss local solutions and explore GM solutions in the provision of Palliative and end of life care services. The group report into the NHS Greater Manchester integrated care palliative and end of life care Strategic group.

The palliative and end of life care commissioning group help implement:

Membership: Place based commissioning lead for palliative and end of life care.

For more information, please contact england.gmec-eolc@nhs.net saying which group you are interested in.

Educators Network

This special interest group supports all aspects of education and training. It meets quarterly for educators to network and share best practice.

The Educators Network:

  • Develops key education and training priorities and principles
  • Improves the way education and training is delivered, including delivering train-the-trainer sessions
  • Commissions or supports the production of training resources, new guidelines, leaflets and documentation
  • Promotes undergraduate and postgraduate education and training for staff
  • Supports carer and user involvement in education and training
  • Ensures educators know about any new national publications relating to education and training in palliative and end of life care.

Membership: Open to anyone involved in educating professionals that deliver palliative and end of life care.
For more information, please contact england.gmec-eolc@nhs.net saying which group you are interested in.

EPaCCS (Electronic Palliative Care Co-ordination System) and Digital Share

This group offers influence and strategic leadership to develop and deliver EPaCCS across Greater Manchester.

The EPaCCS Steering Group:
– acts as an expert resource to Greater Manchester Palliative and End of Life Care Clinical Network Steering Group on issues relating to the implementation of EPaCCS and digital clinical sharing for palliative and end of life care
– promotes a model for developing local plans for implementing EPaCCS, which includes executive support, IT knowledge and clinical engagement
– acts as an expert resource to local groups developing local plans for implementing EPaCCS

Membership: Open to those in a position to influence EPaCCS.
For more information, please contact england.gmec-eolc@nhs.net saying which group you are interested in.

IPOS (Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale) Group

This steering group aims to support a unified approach to IPOS in Greater Manchester. It does this by:

– standardising the approach to IPOS assessments across the region

– identifying and agreeing clinical coding measures

– agreeing and establishing data collation and analysis to identify quality improvement outcomes, needs and activities.

Membership: Open to anyone with an interest in advancing IPOS.
For more information, please contact england.gmec-eolc@nhs.net saying which group you are interested in.

Projects and programmes

Our Network supports and develops a range of specialist projects and programmes.

SEE projects and programmes


Introducing the Palliative and End of Life Care Strategic Clinical Network team…